Материалы SFR-2020

Материал из srf-skif
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Общая информация о проекте

1. New synchrotron light source SKIF in Novosibirsk – Бухтияров В.И.

2. SKIF Civil Engineering – Чуркин И.Н. (pdf)

Ускорительный комплекс

1. Storage ring for Novosibirsk low emittance light source SKIF – Левичев Е.Б. (pdf)

2. SKIF injector complex – Журавлев А.Н. (pdf)

3. Superconducting insertion devices constructed by Budker INP – Мезенцев Н.А. (pdf)

4. Conception of vacuum system for SRS SKIF - Краснов А.А. (pdf)

5. Electromagnetic Undulator with switchable period for soft X-ray application in the SKIF project - Уткин А.В. (pdf)

Экспериментальные станции первой очереди

1. First phase SKIF beamlines design – Ракшун Я.В.

2. Generation and use of coherent X-ray beams at future SKIF storage ring – Ращенко С.В.

3. The design of «Structural Diagnostics» beamline for SRF «SKIF» - Захаров Б.А.

4. Optical design of the «Structural Diagnostics» beamline for SRF «SKIF» - Винокуров З.С.

5. Conceptual design of the "Fast Processes" beamline at the SRF SKIF 4th generation synchrotron – Рубцов И.А.

6. The project "Diagnostics in the high-energy X-ray range" beamline at the Siberian synchrotron SKIF – Купер К.Э.

7. «Electronic Structure» beamline 1-6 at SKIF synchrotron facility – Бухтияров А.В.

8. Project of the optical scheme for the soft X-ray & VUV beamline at SKIF synchrotron facility – Николенко А.Д.

9. Calculation of thermal loads of x-ray mirror optics of a synchrotron radiation source SKIF – Толочко Б.П.

10. JJ X-Ray: X-Ray instruments ranging from standard slits to full beamlines - Mr Paw Kristiansen

Экспериментальные станции второй очереди

1. Approaches to the design of second-phase SKIF beamlines - Зубавичус Я.В.